Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Book Signing
I went to my first book signing last evening. It was at the museum in the big city. We book people were set up upstairs all along the walkway. It was great. I had a wonderful time. Grandpa even got into the spirit of things. It was hard on him standing so long he walked and looked at the gifts all around.
but also talked to a lot of guys about fishing and hunting boating and snow-machining. So it was a good evening in spite of the bad snow weather and treacherous roads. We saw 20 or more cars that had ditch-dived and personally saw three do it. Grandpa is a wonderful driver so I felt safe. but never know about the guy beside you or in front of you or passing you. Today it is clear but another snow front coming in Wednesday.. Oh Boy!!!
but also talked to a lot of guys about fishing and hunting boating and snow-machining. So it was a good evening in spite of the bad snow weather and treacherous roads. We saw 20 or more cars that had ditch-dived and personally saw three do it. Grandpa is a wonderful driver so I felt safe. but never know about the guy beside you or in front of you or passing you. Today it is clear but another snow front coming in Wednesday.. Oh Boy!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
snow -snow
A marten has killed 3 of my chickens so I am down to three. I guess he was a hungry little thing and vicious also. I have a six foot high wire fence , around that, a three high foot chicken wire for the outside chicken coop. would be interesting to see how the marten did it. We know by the tracks around and around the chicken house that is is a marten. still snowing and I have a sink of dishes to get done. and a Moose neck in the pressure cooker cooking better go get things done.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This is one of Charlie's bears. Picture was taken in the summer time. The bear is now hibernating. Kinda what I am doing.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Winter Friends
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Frozen boat launch
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy Halloween
Its been cold here - degrees and the river is freezing up getting ready for the snow-machines to rumble. Pa took the snow-machine down the back trail (on land) today to check the river a little farther down to see how the river was freezing up. He can see a long way from top of the hill and by that can see where the river is freezing first. One of those guy things.
Me,!,Well have been walking and just doing things in the house. Sent 3 boxes to Iraq for service men and women. things they can use to help make their day better. I hope.
My grandson leaves for boot camp in 14 days. . He has grown into a fine young man . Makes a Grandma so very proud.
Time to hit the hot tub and soak away the old aches and pains of winter.Tonight -10 degree outside and 102 degree in the tub makes a nice mix..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Was a beautiful sunny cold 12 degree day. Have snow but not enough to snow-machine yet. No backing out of winter now its here. Our electricity was off for about 4 hours last night since we are at the end of the line that seems to happen quite often. No hot tub last night. but its ready tonight
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Arrived home after 20 days of running around visiting. Seems I was in the car more than I was resting. I visited my daughter and grandchildren, then on to see my sisters, than on to see my son and grand-daughter and than back down and around to stay with my daughter for a few more days. -trying to get some rest. The weather was HOT altho I was not out in it as I was in the A/C car and A/C house or A/C Casino, The Casino (boat) was a Birthday gift from my Son to me a wonderful dinner and Casino evening. It was fun. and very enjoyable to eat, talk, cry and laugh. My daughter and I spent evenings talking and laughing and usually cooking and picking up after the two little ones and seeing the teen once in a while when she emerged out of her room.
It was a nice 20 days. My little sis was my driver so we spent a lot of time laughing and talking. (with a bit of good wine) We did stop at another Casino and left four dollars with them. I'm a big gambler.
I got home in time for the second frost and finished up my garden and putting outside stuff away for winter. Don't know if I am ready for another winter here. Mexico sounds so nice.. BUT>>>>>>the snow-machine engines are ready to hit the trails.
Just talked to a friend--Charlie the Bear Man said it snowed at his Lake today..thats just a few miles away.. Am I ready for this?
Monday, September 8, 2008
My grandson enlisted in the Army - August 4- 2008 - America offers so many opportunities in so many forms. He has always from the time he was a little boy wanted to be a solider. I am so very proud. He will be able to go to College while making the Army his chosen career. What a great country we live in and our service men and women keep it safe. They are a very brave."Lets all keep them in our prayers"
Alaska is very excited about our Governor possible being the V.P. of the wonderful USA. I know she will make a great V.P.
She has set an example to million of children " You can do anything you want to, with dedication and honesty and lots of hard work.
When she made her speech at the convention and it showed her proud Momma and Daddy tears stream down my face. I could see the pride they felt for their Sara. I knew Mr. Heath when he was teaching my son Billy in the 6th grade. Mr. Heath was the best teacher I ever knew (beside my Mom). He was strict and the kids listened to him and learned what he taught. He was respected by all his class. When I voted for Sara as Governor. I told folks If Mr. Heath raised his children as he taught the children in the class room I know she will be great as a governor. Family is important in life and I have been lucky to also have a great family.
I bought the book "Sara" when it first came out, its a great book. Really all the media would have to do is read it and know all there is to know about her life.-- I guess thats too easy.
Alaska is very excited about our Governor possible being the V.P. of the wonderful USA. I know she will make a great V.P.
She has set an example to million of children " You can do anything you want to, with dedication and honesty and lots of hard work.
When she made her speech at the convention and it showed her proud Momma and Daddy tears stream down my face. I could see the pride they felt for their Sara. I knew Mr. Heath when he was teaching my son Billy in the 6th grade. Mr. Heath was the best teacher I ever knew (beside my Mom). He was strict and the kids listened to him and learned what he taught. He was respected by all his class. When I voted for Sara as Governor. I told folks If Mr. Heath raised his children as he taught the children in the class room I know she will be great as a governor. Family is important in life and I have been lucky to also have a great family.
I bought the book "Sara" when it first came out, its a great book. Really all the media would have to do is read it and know all there is to know about her life.-- I guess thats too easy.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Mom's Birthday
September 1-
"Like branches on a tree we grew in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other"
"Like branches on a tree we grew in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other"
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Peas and Taters
The Carhartt Brothers are playing music tomorrow night at the fair I would love to go (I know the band) besides everyone needs to wear carhartt's and that just fine with me. (Alaskan -Men's tuxedo /woman evening attire.) I will be in black.
VOTE TOMORROW...Will a change of guard make any difference?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I hauled dirt for another Poppy bed and ordered some more poppy seeds. Hope to get them to grow next summer....summer..
The two baby chicks are getting their feathers and are feisty. Soon I will introduce them to the other chickens. So they can all winter together. Sounds as if my water is boiling. gotta go freeze up the rest of the cauliflower.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We ate the green cauliflower last night really good has a sweet taste. I had to bring all of them in as they were ready to use. I hope one will keep good enough to the 20th to take to the State fair. Have my krazy-quilt (wall hanging) finished. Pa wants me to enter it in the fair as it is pretty unusual but haven't decided yet.
Truck has arrived with building supplies for Saturdays river run so gotta go take care of that.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The flower with the bumble-bees is a wild Arnica. I dug some up at Moose Creek many years ago and they do spread like a daisy. Very beautiful.
Have been busy canning salmon. I caned up 48 pints Tuesday and Wednesday was little town day for supplies and Thursday was big city day for VA appointments for Gramps. Today I am freezing white cauliflower. Have already frozen up all my broccoli.
Peas are coming on and Cabbage and Potatoes growing. First of August. where has our no summer gone?
Saturday, July 26, 2008

I have searched the internet and came up with a natalino romanesco Cauliflower . altho their picture is greenish yellow. mine is purplish green. Is it the same.? and different color because of growing conditions or weather? My green house lady friend had never seen one. I bought the starters at Lowe's and the tag had nothing like this suppose to be white cauliflower. All my neighbors are watching this thing grow and wondering if its editable? I am thinking of entering it in the fair. just cause I can!!!
The web page says its French. They grow in France and sold in the markets in France. DOES ANYONE KNOW??????The first picture is off the net the next two is my mystery cauliflower.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I knew I had to do it
Today turned out to be a nice day and I put on my big girl panties and was outside about all day. Well maybe it was my car-hart pants. I smiled at the Sun-God and I blessed our cool weather and rain too. Said I was sorry I know we needed it. It was good for my broccoli and cauliflower. So I picked some spinach -froze up 3 meals. and Broccoli I have lost count and 3 meals of cauliflower. I still have lots in the garden I will freeze up tomorrow and Sunday. Monday I have to get ready for fish. We have our subsistence permit for 30 reds, that will be enough to smoke and can. The fish are running heavy so hopefully it will be a good day for Larry and the fish-wheel.
I shoveled 5 wheel-barrells of dirt to my new flower bed also. This morning I had to go out early to the chicken house and get the rooms separated as the baby chicks hatched yesterday and I had to separate the other chickens from the momma and chicks. Two eggs out of three hatched. They are so cute. The two are doing really well running around eating and drinking water but Momma hen stays really close to them. She is a good Momma Hen..
I am tired and ready for evening .
Thursday, July 24, 2008
!!!YEEKS!!!!!! NOT YET ------ TERMINATION DUST!!!!!on the Mountain tops!!! Yep! its true.. I think I will just crawl in a hole until next spring.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Not much going on here in the North at this moment so will say "Adios"
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunny today with white fluffy clouds. Grandpa is headed to Heweitt Lake with about 5 stops along the way to deliver a few barrels of fuel and lumber, a couch and some wire. Myself--gotta find something to do I guess watch my garden grow and try and get some weeds pulled out of the flowers. I have the weeds under control in the food garden. I also will pull and put up second growth of Rhubarb to freeze up. So guess I will have a busy day after-all.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
As I was coming home yesterday from shopping in town I saw the Mountain out. I hurried to a place where I could stop and take a picture. Sometimes I can see the top and by the time I get to where I can see the whole mountain the clouds have covered it, that has happens so many times. so quick. Yesterday I was lucky, but not lucky enough to have a better camera to take far away scenery. I would love to have a long lens. I am thankful for what I do have. The mountain is so awesome even after seeing it thousands of times over the years it still amazes me. Is it because I wonder what is on the other side???
Have a safe 4th of July. We have been blessed with such a great country to live in and our freedom to celebrate our holidays.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Must be time to cook Grandpa just came in so I will say good-night
Saturday, June 28, 2008
"THE LAST FRONTIER' Happy Birthday Alaska .Its been 50 years of Statehood.
Alaskans celebrated last night watching the Judd's perform at Elemndorf Air Force Base in Anchorage and it also was shown all over the world. Alaskans lived up to their rowdy image. Hope you caught it on your T.V. thats how I watched it. They put on a great show. Today the Thunderbirds will be flying over Anchorage putting on a great show I am sure. I live too far to attend but will also watch part of it on T.V. A lot of stuff is going on in Anchorage for the birthday celebration. Statehood was 15 years old when I first arrived. I have seen lots of changes in the last 35 years.
Today is the yearly homeowners meeting. Grandpa is on the river as last year and gets out of going so I must go to see what is going on or changes being made. Cloudy again today and rain yesterday evening. I don't have to water the yard or garden so thats good.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today is a beautiful warm day. I got up at 5:30 AM (went back to bed) I looked out it was 38 degree. When I got up at 8:30 it was setting on 70 degree. I cut some high weeds today and went to the P.O. came home ate a $2.75 avocado for lunch -half of it Grandpa ate the other half. Yesterday I gave Molly a bath (my dog) She had ran with a neighbor dog and played in the silty river so it was bath time when she came home. She needed a bath anyway and brushed as she is shedding.
My garden is looking good. Potatoes are up and growing. Looks as if I will have a lot of cabbage again this year.
The hosta plants are looking good after transplanting. If they make it through the winter it should be good.
gotta go--Hasta-la-vista
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A little rain, a little sun, makes my garden say "This is fun"
of course long days helps too. I got 6 Hosta plants yesterday, so today I need to find a space for them. Ok, so I went a little crazy walking among the plants yesterday. I don't go to town very often - Gas $4.46 gallon- usually my sister is up here and we go green-houing really often and get our fix. but not this year she is in the mid-west remodeling her house. Grandpa is going to Hewitte Lake again today -long run. Today is going to be a so-so day clouds and sun more clouds than sun but will take what I can get--as it is getting closer to seeing the white stuff. UG! Can I drag Grandpa to Mexico in October? oops that was a silly senior moment.- gotta go plant before I forget what I need to do.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Alaska Summer Solstice--At least 19 hours of daylight..It was 42 degree this morning it warmed up and we have had sunshine most of the day, with a shower of rain for just a little while. That was really nice. I hope summer is really here. Flowers are blooming and garden is growing, we had our first dinner of fresh broccoli out of the garden tonight.
My friend brought me this pink flower already blooming (she works in a green house) wish I could remember the name of this beautiful flower. I had blue and purple flowers blooming in my cottage garden so this pink really livened it up. The iris are also beginning to bloom.
I have harvested my rhubarb and froze it up in two cup baggies. We have had two fresh rhubarb crunch desserts. from Mom's cook book. It is so good. also one rhubarb and strawberry pie.
Gotta close this off and get out in the beautiful sunshine.
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