Today turned out to be a nice day and I put on my big girl panties and was outside about all day. Well maybe it was my car-hart pants. I smiled at the Sun-God and I blessed our cool weather and rain too. Said I was sorry I know we needed it. It was good for my broccoli and cauliflower. So I picked some spinach -froze up 3 meals. and Broccoli I have lost count and 3 meals of cauliflower. I still have lots in the garden I will freeze up tomorrow and Sunday. Monday I have to get ready for fish. We have our subsistence permit for 30 reds, that will be enough to smoke and can. The fish are running heavy so hopefully it will be a good day for Larry and the fish-wheel.
I shoveled 5 wheel-barrells of dirt to my new flower bed also. This morning I had to go out early to the chicken house and get the rooms separated as the baby chicks hatched yesterday and I had to separate the other chickens from the momma and chicks. Two eggs out of three hatched. They are so cute. The two are doing really well running around eating and drinking water but Momma hen stays really close to them. She is a good Momma Hen..
I am tired and ready for evening .
1 comment:
what cute little babies! Wow do your veggies look good! Successful growing season after all!
love you and miss yoU!
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