The flower with the bumble-bees is a wild Arnica. I dug some up at Moose Creek many years ago and they do spread like a daisy. Very beautiful.
Have been busy canning salmon. I caned up 48 pints Tuesday and Wednesday was little town day for supplies and Thursday was big city day for VA appointments for Gramps. Today I am freezing white cauliflower. Have already frozen up all my broccoli.
Peas are coming on and Cabbage and Potatoes growing. First of August. where has our no summer gone?
1 comment:
Hello Lucy,
your every day is so much more exciting than most people;and oh heck yes,I would eat those boogers;or fast freeze and keep forever,what if you found a big jar
and pickled them,you are just amazing;at what you come up with;
Texas Dancer
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