The swallows are getting ready for their flight south. This picture is the baby sitting looking out for days. I watched Momma come and try and coach the baby to fly. She would feed it to get it healthy. for about 3 days the baby looked out to the big world. One morning I was out under the bird house weeding and I look up to see the baby take its first flight., hoping it would keep flying, it did not. It landed in the driveway. I went over picked it up put it in the yard in the daisies Some bird babies land out of the nest on the ground its called fledging. Its when they are not ready to fly but think they are. (kinda like teen agers) They also have to grow the right amount of plumage to fly. I looked every morning to see if it was still alive and one morning there were two babies. They had gotten up on the branch of a flower so I knew they were getting stronger. I watched as the parents feed them every day, myself glad there were no cats in the neighborhood watching hope they would be safe. wishing I could help. They became stronger every day and one morning I checked and they were gone. So the babies and parents are ready to go..Sometimes I see 20 or 30 flying in the sky above the yard I would guess they gather the flock from all over the neighborhood before taking off to go South. What is your opinion?
Sunny today with white fluffy clouds. Grandpa is headed to Heweitt Lake with about 5 stops along the way to deliver a few barrels of fuel and lumber, a couch and some wire. Myself--gotta find something to do I guess watch my garden grow and try and get some weeds pulled out of the flowers. I have the weeds under control in the food garden. I also will pull and put up second growth of Rhubarb to freeze up. So guess I will have a busy day after-all.