Sometime our children travel very far into distance lands, sometimes they only go short distances. Where ever they travel my love is always with them and I encourage them to do the very best they can: some one once said:
Life is a game-play it
Life is a challenge- Meet it
Life is an opportunity-Capture it
This poem was written for my oldest son years ago
A Son
Goodbye my son with eyes so bright
like stars making their way through-the night
Your growing up years have come to an end
and out in this world I must send
Remember my love always holds strong
and all of Pa's teachings and you'll never go wrong
Now into this world you are ready to go
you'll be covering ground like a blanket of snow
The road are long and disappointments are there
but as my Son you will handle them with care
When you are far away and alone at night
look up into the heavens for your guiding light
We will love you and always be very proud too
because you became a man that is only you.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I also planted my garden and knowing it was a week too soon my Zuk's and beans and marigolds got nipped with frost. The cold weather plants did fine. I know better than to plant before June 1 but its so hard not to "toil in the soil" with 60 degree sunny weather and the plants roots were coming out the bottom, so many excuses. Our weather will be cool a couple more nights then we suppose to dip only into the 40't..I won't replace the zuk's or beans I will just go to the farm and get them when its picking time. I did replace my flowers. So I will watch thing grow, look for flowers that will come back from the winter cold. Watch the birds nest and have their little ones in our 5 swallows nest boxes. Watch the robins and chickadees. I also have a wild hare comes through eating the clover. hope thats all he eats. I guess its finally spring.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Our sunshine went away so far today. Everything around here is just bla! I planted some flowers yesterday and they need the sun today. It is 40 degree and with no sun it is cool. The Swallows are making nest in the 5 bird house we have in the yard. I don't know where the Robin is making her nest usually in the car garage, I have been watching so far I can't see where. The Robin landed in the yard yesterday pecking at the ground and then went to the water bowl and took a nice long bath and then flew off. The Swallows have their moments flying around and around in the sky above the yard. I also have a few Chickadees around making nest close.I love to watch the birds and love to hear them singing.
We need our sunshine back.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today was beautiful and I have a dirt nail manicure. I have been putting a few plants out but covering them with a bucket each night. flowers.. No veggies yet ;I have been holding off (but its hard to do) until June 1.. Larry has not hauled anything yet, but has done two rescues. With Gas at $4.06 a gallon and I heard it went up again today.. I don't think Larry will be too busy. I just want warm weather for this garden diva and I am happy. I love being outside but keep forgetting visitors will be here soon (the great Alaska bug's).UH! I planted a "Hosta" I hope it survives. and a beautiful plant called Viburnum Japanese snowball. Hope it makes it..Its hot tub time so its a good night for ;now.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
/Users/lucilleheater/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/03/17/100_1602.JPG
Sometimes I wonder how I do this stuff. I messed around with the iphoto trying to get a picture, when I clicked and remembered maybe I can just drag! this is just a test. a totem pole.
We'll see what appeared when i push post!
Today is a beautiful day I have been setting my plants out to their location each day to harden them off. Yesterday I was bend over weeding in the flower garden and Molly my dog, gave this loud hound bark of hers. I looked up and here was this Moose about 6 feet from me.. the Moose was sniffing or about to chomp my Cosmo's. I yelled she just looked at me. I waved my arms and yelled and she just looked at me. I open the gate and let Molly out to chase, instead she got chased. The Moose and Molly went around and around chasing each other finally the Moose gave up and went into the woods. I just know when I plant these plants, that Moose will be back for a late lunch. I look at my shrubs every morning hoping the Moose hasn't had a late nice supper. This is not fun when you work so hard and then its gone in one big bite. especially for a Grandma . Grandpa says just let it go. but I like flowers!!! guess I can go back to hanging baskets. Keep them on the fenced in deck of Molly's and she can protect them./Users/lucilleheater/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/01/17/100_0725.JPG
Sometimes I wonder how I do this stuff. I messed around with the iphoto trying to get a picture, when I clicked and remembered maybe I can just drag! this is just a test. a totem pole.
We'll see what appeared when i push post!
Today is a beautiful day I have been setting my plants out to their location each day to harden them off. Yesterday I was bend over weeding in the flower garden and Molly my dog, gave this loud hound bark of hers. I looked up and here was this Moose about 6 feet from me.. the Moose was sniffing or about to chomp my Cosmo's. I yelled she just looked at me. I waved my arms and yelled and she just looked at me. I open the gate and let Molly out to chase, instead she got chased. The Moose and Molly went around and around chasing each other finally the Moose gave up and went into the woods. I just know when I plant these plants, that Moose will be back for a late lunch. I look at my shrubs every morning hoping the Moose hasn't had a late nice supper. This is not fun when you work so hard and then its gone in one big bite. especially for a Grandma . Grandpa says just let it go. but I like flowers!!! guess I can go back to hanging baskets. Keep them on the fenced in deck of Molly's and she can protect them./Users/lucilleheater/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/01/17/100_0725.JPG
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Cell phones are great in many ways. I talked to my daughter off and on last week as she was driving to Dallas. It help keep her awake and it help me to know she was safe. She returned back to her home safely but tired. As we talked I told her about a poem I had written many years ago for her. She is older now and wiser, aren't we all. the poem still comes from my heart.
A beautiful brown eyed baby girl I had that year
Happiness you brought me, memories I hold dear
A tom-boy in your teens
I thought I would never get you out of those blue jeans
Your school days seem to be filled with fun
but then you got the urge to run
away to some far away town
and Hippy friends you soon found
But those few days were only for thrills
than we moved way up in the Alaska hills
You thought you would never see the city lights
but finally came that graduation night
Now you have grown up into a fine young girl
making your way in this old world
You get out what you put in
for a beautiful brown eyed girl
Fun has just began
She has grown up into a beautiful lady, a beautiful daughter and now has a beautiful daughter of her close to the age that I wrote this for her Mother. Oh! to survive the Teen years.
I can say truthfully I had great teen age kids, We survived and had fun that has been long ago. I now watch my grandchildren grow. What a blessing. God has truly blessed me.
A beautiful brown eyed baby girl I had that year
Happiness you brought me, memories I hold dear
A tom-boy in your teens
I thought I would never get you out of those blue jeans
Your school days seem to be filled with fun
but then you got the urge to run
away to some far away town
and Hippy friends you soon found
But those few days were only for thrills
than we moved way up in the Alaska hills
You thought you would never see the city lights
but finally came that graduation night
Now you have grown up into a fine young girl
making your way in this old world
You get out what you put in
for a beautiful brown eyed girl
Fun has just began
She has grown up into a beautiful lady, a beautiful daughter and now has a beautiful daughter of her close to the age that I wrote this for her Mother. Oh! to survive the Teen years.
I can say truthfully I had great teen age kids, We survived and had fun that has been long ago. I now watch my grandchildren grow. What a blessing. God has truly blessed me.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Camping out in Alaska
I don't do concerts but Elton John fans do. One lady camped out 57 hours to be the first one for a ticket for the "Rocket Man"s second concert. The second concert sold out in one hours and four minutes. each to their own. Right?
If this was Elvis concert I'd probably be camping out too, waiting for the "King". I know that is not going to happen so I will settle camping on a river bank waiting for the "Kings" to come swimming in.(The kind you smoke). or just bake.
Larry had his first boat rescue for the season. A friend of ours boat motor stopped and he floated into a sweeper ( a tree hanging over the river) in swift water, and this was swift water. A sweeper can do just what it did take the boat under and you with it, our friend hung to the tree in water for 45 minutes, a boat came by and rescued him and took him home to dry out. He was close to hypothermia but he is be OK. Larry got the boat rescued so all is well.
I don't do concerts but Elton John fans do. One lady camped out 57 hours to be the first one for a ticket for the "Rocket Man"s second concert. The second concert sold out in one hours and four minutes. each to their own. Right?
If this was Elvis concert I'd probably be camping out too, waiting for the "King". I know that is not going to happen so I will settle camping on a river bank waiting for the "Kings" to come swimming in.(The kind you smoke). or just bake.
Larry had his first boat rescue for the season. A friend of ours boat motor stopped and he floated into a sweeper ( a tree hanging over the river) in swift water, and this was swift water. A sweeper can do just what it did take the boat under and you with it, our friend hung to the tree in water for 45 minutes, a boat came by and rescued him and took him home to dry out. He was close to hypothermia but he is be OK. Larry got the boat rescued so all is well.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mothers Day
My Mom
My Mom has gone to the heavens above
She left knowing she was loved
Days are happy. Days are sad
Happy Days
I know she is with God and Dad
Sad Days
I feel all alone and my heart is heavy as stone
I miss my Mom she was always there for me
But she said take your wings and be free
Fly my little girl, she would say
make your life happy each day
She taught me how to sew and patch
With beautiful colors to match
She taught me how to clean and cook
But the most gift of all she taught me was
how to read a book
I love you Mom
My Mom
My Mom has gone to the heavens above
She left knowing she was loved
Days are happy. Days are sad
Happy Days
I know she is with God and Dad
Sad Days
I feel all alone and my heart is heavy as stone
I miss my Mom she was always there for me
But she said take your wings and be free
Fly my little girl, she would say
make your life happy each day
She taught me how to sew and patch
With beautiful colors to match
She taught me how to clean and cook
But the most gift of all she taught me was
how to read a book
I love you Mom
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Here is a poem I wrote not long ago called
A letter from a Grandchild
means so very much
It makes a Grandma's day
seem brighter she can feel the long distance touch
You may not know what it means
in your everyday life to write a note to Grandma
as she reaches for her shaw
she smiles and sits in her rocking chair
she knows your really care
She sits and wait for the mailman
she knows a letter is on its way
she sits and reads about your life
how happy you are today
Tears of happiness stream down her face
she places your letter in her notecase
all the letters are placed nice and neat
your letters to her are a special treat
A letter from a Grandchild
to Grandma is a way
she knows you love and think of her every day
Grandma is old and getting grey
her life gets shorter by the day
she has the memories of you that no one can erase
she keeps the memories of your smiling face
A letter from a Grandchild
means so very much
It makes a Grandma's day
seem brighter she can feel the long distance touch
You may not know what it means
in your everyday life to write a note to Grandma
as she reaches for her shaw
she smiles and sits in her rocking chair
she knows your really care
She sits and wait for the mailman
she knows a letter is on its way
she sits and reads about your life
how happy you are today
Tears of happiness stream down her face
she places your letter in her notecase
all the letters are placed nice and neat
your letters to her are a special treat
A letter from a Grandchild
to Grandma is a way
she knows you love and think of her every day
Grandma is old and getting grey
her life gets shorter by the day
she has the memories of you that no one can erase
she keeps the memories of your smiling face
Monday, May 5, 2008
I rescued Molly out of the Wasilla dog pound 3 years ago, She took a long time to settled down, as she had 3 owners before me her first year of life. I am sure it was because she likes to run. We have a nice fenced in yard for her and of course she is a house dog so she has the run of the house. She was chipped, tagged and housebroken when got her and somewhat trained. She has mellowing out a lot this past year. I can now walk her without pulling my arm off. UNLESS she sees another dog and then she goes ballistic. We are working on that one. She is a very sweet loving dog.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Today is Sunday and sunny here in the North. I want to publish my boat trip from Wshington to Alaska journal of last summer as I have lots of cool pictures so this I have to learn how to do.
Gramps is gearing up for freighting the Yentna river altho its still frozen but beginning to open in some places.
break-up is here with mud everywhere, still some snow in the yard. I just checked my raised garden and could dig in it. It will be ready by the end of May to plant.
I am putting together a trip to Honnah, Alaska about July to get our fish for the winter. We plan to take our Van R/V on the ferry from Haines to Honnah. Our boat friends are there now getting their boat out of storage. Will be interesting.
Friday I visited my great-grandaughter Destiny, she is a beautiful little girl. bronz skin and big brown eyes.Almost a year old and starting to walk. I remembered a poem I had written in 1978 when my first Granddaughter came in my world. I wrote it for my son:
God gave you a life
He trusted you
He made you one of the chosen few
God gave you a life
In your arms it lay
He trusted you to guide its way
A beautiful child
It has become
Rest your head
Your work is well done
God gave you a life to love and care
He blessed your life
With some one to share.
Gramps is gearing up for freighting the Yentna river altho its still frozen but beginning to open in some places.
break-up is here with mud everywhere, still some snow in the yard. I just checked my raised garden and could dig in it. It will be ready by the end of May to plant.
I am putting together a trip to Honnah, Alaska about July to get our fish for the winter. We plan to take our Van R/V on the ferry from Haines to Honnah. Our boat friends are there now getting their boat out of storage. Will be interesting.
Friday I visited my great-grandaughter Destiny, she is a beautiful little girl. bronz skin and big brown eyes.Almost a year old and starting to walk. I remembered a poem I had written in 1978 when my first Granddaughter came in my world. I wrote it for my son:
God gave you a life
He trusted you
He made you one of the chosen few
God gave you a life
In your arms it lay
He trusted you to guide its way
A beautiful child
It has become
Rest your head
Your work is well done
God gave you a life to love and care
He blessed your life
With some one to share.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
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